siberian ibex artinya
- siberian: siberia
- ibex: sejenis kambing hutan
- alpine ibex: ibex alpen
- bezoar ibex: capra aegagrus aegagrus
- ibex 35: ibex-35; ibex 35
- nubian ibex: ibex nubia
- siberian cat: kucing siberia
- siberian crane: jenjang siberia
- siberian high: antisiklon siberia
- siberian husky: siberian husky; husky siberia
- siberian intervention: intervensi siberia
- siberian route: jalur siberia
- siberian rubythroat: burung murai sawa
- siberian shrew: celurut siberia
- siberian tatars: tatar siberia
- The Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica) is a species of ibex that lives in central Asia.
Ibex siberia (Capra sibirica) adalah fauna khas Asia Tengah. - They have the highest maximum shoulder height among the species in the genus Capra, but is surpassed in length and weight by the Siberian ibex.
Mereka memiliki bahu tertiggi di antara spesies dalam subfamili Caprinae namun masih kalah dengan ibex siberia dalam hal panjang dan berat.